Photographing Snakes:

From Fear to Focus

Article in Focal Points, the magazine for the Sierra Club Camera Committee

January/February 2024

Multiple photos (and cover photo) included in:

California Snakes and How to Find Them

By Emily Taylor

San Francisco Estuary Magazine

“Of Mice and Marshes: Surveying Salties to Save Them

— by Kathleen M. Wong

Issue cover and article cover by Marisa Ishimatsu

Biofluorescence in California Tiger Salamander, Ambystoma californiense (Amphibia: Ambystomatidae)

Brandon R. Kong,*, Kathryn A. Preston, Marisa A. Ishimatsu, and Esther M.C. Adelsheim

Herpetology Notes, volume 16: 161-163 (2023) (published online on 26 February 2023)

Multiple photos included in:

American Snakes

By Sean Graham

The Dodo

My Modern Met
